About Me

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Alicante, Spain
Hi. I live in Spain with my partner. I am retired and LOVE it. I love life here but I do miss my family back in the UK, two sons and three sisters and my Mum. Crafting is my life, I do something every single day. In the past it has helped me get through some bad times in my life. One such bad time was when my first grandson died aged just 14 months. He had been born 8 weeks prem but was very healthy and was growing into a beautiful, bonny boy. It was such a shock when the call came. A day never passes when I dont think of him. I am now Nanna again to grand daughter, Hollie, born July 2012, and Tess born March 2016. This is my younger son and his partner. I now have another Grandson, Noah, born Nov 2013 to my elder Son and they have 3 daughters Aurora, born March 2015 and Arabella, born August 2017 and Arianna born 2019. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my makes. Please leave a comment so that I know you have visited me. I love reading them all. xxxx


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Sunday 22 September 2024

Happy Sunday Challenge

 Good Morning All

At my Craft Group yesterday the challenge I set them was


So anything with an Animal on it.

My card

The gifts I gave out were Fruitella sweets in pretty pink boxes with a bellyband to hold closed.

Last weeks challenge was a sketch.
My card



2 from Dawn

Val J


And it was Val J's  name drawn.

Wendy L


As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Yummy gifts.
A fantastic selection of cards today love the Lion one
Ginny x

brenda said...

You must spend so long making the gift packs every week Wendy but I bet they go really well.

B x

karenlotty said...

Great makes this week Wendy x


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