About Me

My photo
Alicante, Spain
Hi. I live in Spain with my partner. I am retired and LOVE it. I love life here but I do miss my family back in the UK, two sons and three sisters and my Mum. Crafting is my life, I do something every single day. In the past it has helped me get through some bad times in my life. One such bad time was when my first grandson died aged just 14 months. He had been born 8 weeks prem but was very healthy and was growing into a beautiful, bonny boy. It was such a shock when the call came. A day never passes when I dont think of him. I am now Nanna again to grand daughter, Hollie, born July 2012, and Tess born March 2016. This is my younger son and his partner. I now have another Grandson, Noah, born Nov 2013 to my elder Son and they have 3 daughters Aurora, born March 2015 and Arabella, born August 2017 and Arianna born 2019. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my makes. Please leave a comment so that I know you have visited me. I love reading them all. xxxx


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Sunday 15 September 2024

Happy Sunday Challenge

 Good Morning All

 Woohoo, we were back at Craft Group on Friday, its been a long Summer without it.

The challenge I set them was a sketch.

My card using my beloved LOTV Topper of a Golfer.

Sketch to follow

The gifts I gave out were Nail Buffers in a box with a tiny Bulldog clip and a dangle tag. 

Onto last weeks challenge which was a Bingo chart, 3 in a row.

My card using various options  ---
Tag Bunny Twine
Dots Bunny Child
Blue Dots Square

Dawn   -  tag bunny twine

Dawn. Blue dots square



Name drawn was Eve.

Wendy L

Friday 13 September 2024


 Good Morning All

These two cards are made with images I generated using a Clipart programme.

I have seen loads of images on a Facebook group and I love them so I thought I would have a go.

It's mpt something I will pursue but I just thought I would show you these.

You just add suggestions to the programme and it generates a picture.

I put Beagle, sunflowers, 2 girls and this is it.

This one was Beagles and daisies.

What do you think??

Wendy L

Wednesday 11 September 2024


 Good Morning All

I am back from UK after a family funeral, very upsetting time.

I am clearing my files abit today and here are three cards that I made a while ago.

This one is 5x7 and another fractured card, even though I said last time it was the last, but I really think this is!!!!!

I like the image on this one, a digi

And this one is from the Tonic topper sheet.

Which one is your fave??
Mine is the last one I think but I do like the 2nd one too.

Wendy L


Sunday 8 September 2024

Happy Sunday Challenge

 Good Morning All

A Bingo chart for the challenge this week, 3 in a row.

I used afew possibilities  - 
 Blue Dots Square
 Child Bunny Dots
Tag Bunny Twine

Onto last weeks challenge  which was

My card





Name drawn was  Eve.

Wendy L 

Friday 6 September 2024

Add Texture for MTTC

 Good Morning All

My Time To Craft Challenge this time is 

Add Texture

I made this beautiful Groovi card and my added texture is the grid work and a 3D Butterfly.

It is a 7x7 card blank.  I shall be keeping this for my own use as it is large for posting.
It will be exciting to see what everyone adds for their Texture.
Wendy L

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Colour Challenge for Outlawz

 Good Morning All

I have joined the Design Team for Outlawz Colour Challenge

 This is a monthly challenge and starts on the first Tuesday if each month.

This is the 1st one I am joining.

This is my interpretation of the above pic.
Although my pic looks pink it is Red.
For the 'T' I used Tower and Tea

It's a Fun challenge so why not pop over and have a peek.

Wendy L

Sunday 1 September 2024

Happy Sunday Challenge & MAWTT Challenge 'Not A Card'

 Good Morning All

As it's the 1st of the month is is Moving Along With The Times Challenge time and the theme is 


I made a Folio with a kit from Vectoria Designs on You Tube.

This is a link to her video and the freebie kit.

It is tied with seam binding to close.

The  left is a magnetic flap holding pockets together with a  journal card in each one.

A notepad inserted under a bellyband.

There are two envelopes and I added a mini notebook in one and a coffee dyed sheet in the other.


Well, we will be back at Craft Group in a couple of weeks but here is this weeks challenge


This is always a popular one.

I used offcuts from a card making session I had back in July.

Some of my mini punched butterflies and a diecut sentiment.

Last weeks challenge was Transport or Travel

My card




2 from Denise

Name drawn  -  Christine

Thanks to all.
Wendy L


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