About Me

My photo
Alicante, Spain
Hi. I live in Spain with my partner. I am retired and LOVE it. I love life here but I do miss my family back in the UK, two sons and three sisters and my Mum. Crafting is my life, I do something every single day. In the past it has helped me get through some bad times in my life. One such bad time was when my first grandson died aged just 14 months. He had been born 8 weeks prem but was very healthy and was growing into a beautiful, bonny boy. It was such a shock when the call came. A day never passes when I dont think of him. I am now Nanna again to grand daughter, Hollie, born July 2012, and Tess born March 2016. This is my younger son and his partner. I now have another Grandson, Noah, born Nov 2013 to my elder Son and they have 3 daughters Aurora, born March 2015 and Arabella, born August 2017 and Arianna born 2019. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my makes. Please leave a comment so that I know you have visited me. I love reading them all. xxxx


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Sunday, 23 March 2025

Happy Sunday Challenge

 Good Morning All

I was back at my Craft Group on Friday and this is the challenge, a sketch.

My card using a lovely wildlife topper of a lion.

Sketch to follow

The gifts I gave out were Fruitella sweets.

I made Triangle boxes using 8x8 coloured parchment.

Last weeks challenge was Butterflies and this was my card.

3 from Claire

2 from Dawn

3 from Denise


2 from Sharon

I said that Butterflies is a popular theme!!!

The name drawn was Sharon

Wendy L

Friday, 21 March 2025

Someone Special for MTTC

 Good Morning All

My Time To Craft Challenge this time is chosen by MAria and her theme is

Celebrate Someone Special

My Someone Special is my eldest Grandaughter Hollie, and its her Birthday later in the year and this is the card I have made for her.

This is an 8x8 scalloped card and  I used the Paris grid plate from Clarity Groovi to do the border. and added an LOTV topper.

Peeloffs for the sentiments of Happy Birthday and For Someone Special.

Here is another card using a Groovi grid plate, Toulouse.
I have these squares of coloured parchment left over from when I cut squares of parchment for my group.  I put the die in the middle then I have the leftover to make a card with.

Wendy L

Wednesday, 19 March 2025


 Good Morning All

As this goes live I will be getting my stuff packed ready to leave Corby and fly home.

Three Groovi cards today.

I'm not sure if I have already shown this one

This one I posted off to a friend in the UK.
It is coloured with pearly pens following the Grooves on the plates, takes abit of practice but very effective.

Wendy L

Sunday, 16 March 2025

Happy Sunday Challenge

 Good Morning All

I left Eve in charge on Friday as I am at my  sons in Corby having a shiort visit.

The challenge is


which is alway popular with the ladies.

Lovely butterfly paper and some of my mini punched butterflies.

I thought I would add this one as it has a dragonfly on.  One way of using my scraps of parchment.


The gifts I left were a cute envelope with After 8 Mints.

Last weeks challenge was a sketch

2 cards from me.





Name drawn was Denise.
Wendy L

Friday, 14 March 2025

More Odds

 Good Morning All

I have been getting back into my Groovi recently and this is one I made for the boxes.

I used a couple of different plates and bold, blue brads to attach.

This one is obviously a Mans card.  A random topper and diecut sentiment.


Wendy L

Wednesday, 12 March 2025


 Good Morning All

A couple of random cards today that are going in a charity box.

This first one is an LOTV topper, and yes, I still have alot.

This one is a sticker layered onto scraps but it still looks good I think.

Wendy L

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Happy Sunday Challenge

 Good Morning All

For this weeks challenge I gave them another sketch.

I saw this design on Pinterest and thought it was very effective.

Sort of white on white just with inked edges on embossed card, bows and a sentiment.

Sketch to Follow

The gifts I gave out were Skittles again, these are the last I promise, well maybe until I go to UK in afew weeks!!!!


Now back to last weeks sketch challenge.

My card

2 from Dawn

2 from Denise


Name drawn was Denise.
Wendy L

Friday, 7 March 2025

Clover or Shamrock for MTTC

 Good Morning All

My Time To Craft is starting with a new challenge today with a theme of  

Clover or Shamrock

As I didn't have andthing suitable in my stash, I decided to draw one in my Sakura 4x4 Sketchbook.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you will know I love doodling and I bought this book when I was on holiday in Cordoba early last year.

I am no expert by far but I enjoy it and find it quite therapeutic.

Here are afew more pages.
Black fine tip pens and colours.

This one has abit of shading with a soft pencil.

I sometimes use stickers too.

Wendy L


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