
Saturday 8 June 2013

In The Garden

Good Morning All
Allsorts Challenge  time again and the theme is 'In The Garden' chosen by Catherine.

I chose this gorgeous 'Lily of the Valley' from Passion For Stamps, and coloured it with Promarkers.  Hop over to the challenge blog to see the other DT work.

 Our sponsor is
Passion For Stamps who will give the winner 4 digis of their choice.

Have fun with the challenge.
Wendy L
Creative Card Crew # 37 - Punches and Dies
Papertake Weekly - Anything Goes

Another piccy of gorgeousness -------

She went home yesterday and I think her Mum  &  Dad will be glad to get her into her own cot as she did not sleep too well whilst she was here and she got very clingy to her Mum so they were not able to leave her with me for the day as we had hoped.  It was lovely to see them all, as it always is, and they are hoping to come again later in the year.  Anyway, hopefully I shall see them when I go back to UK in August when I go back to visit the rest of the family in the North West of England.

Have a good weekend everyone, I,m tidying my craft room and then will catch up on my DT work s I have not touched a thing since last week.

Wendy L


  1. A lovely photo of Holly, she really is a pretty little girl Wendy.

    A beautiful card as well, the black works so well with the image and the muted colours.

    Have a good weekend.

    B x

  2. What a beautiful card wendy I love it x john x

  3. Good morning Wendy and all.
    Lovely lily of the valley stamp. Its my birth flower so Im biased. Oh, must be yours too Wendy as a May baby.
    Hope you had a lovely time with gorgeousness and at least it won't be long before you see her again. x

  4. What a super cute piccie.
    Love the stamp image you have used :)

  5. So happy you got to spend more time with your daughter and Hollie!!!! I feel bad you didn't get her all to yourself, adorable picture, Hollie is so beautiful.
    Very pretty card as well, love the fancy spellbinder edge, you have inspired me to do a card with green, something I rarely ever do!
    Have fun organizing and catching up..hugs

  6. Gorgeous card Wendy. A lovely image and design.

    Hollie looks beautiful!
    Lorraine x

  7. Hi Wendy
    Fabulous creation and design.Cute photo too, she's adorable
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Hi my dearest friend,happy Saturday^_^
    What a gorgeous card,beautiful image^_^
    Big hug,

  9. Beautiful card Wendy. I love the image and colours.
    A gorgeous photo of Hollie, she is so sweet.
    Sue xx

  10. Hallo Wendy,
    deine Karte sieht ja sehr frühlingshaft aus und das Foto ist ja einfach nur niedlich,ja in diesen Alter fangen die kleinen an zu fremdeln und dann ist es nicht einfach sie bei einem zu lassen,
    liebe Grüße ulrike

  11. This is simply gorgeous sweetie, hugs Pops x x x

  12. So beautiful Wendy and what a gorgeous photo of Hollie, she is adorable.
    Wendy xx

  13. Oh Wendy this is a gorgeous photo of Hollie she is adorable.
    beautiful card

  14. Aww Wendy I hope you don't miss her too much she is a such a lovely little girl xx
    Your card is gorgeous so is your colouring of this lovely image xx

  15. What a lovely card Wendy, so serene and peaceful.
    A beautiful picture of little Holly.
    Hugs, Jen :-) x
    Krafty Keepsakes

  16. Oh i really love this card Wendy the design is gorgeous - gorgeous photo of Hollie you are going to miss her lots.

    Joan x

  17. Oh I forgot to say you can see all the lovely colours of the candi dots here

  18. Great card! Love the image and your design. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Creative Card Crew. Hope you have a fabulous day!

    - Jenn DT

  19. This is so beautiful Wendy and I hope you enjoyed my theme this week. You have made a super card for it
    x catherine


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