
Saturday 25 June 2016

Photo Inspiration for Allsorts

Good Morning All
Allsorts Challenge is hosted by Brenda and the photo is our inspiration.

June 25th

I used -
LOTV paper
Sentiment from A John Lockwood set
Decoupage flower
'Friend' charm
Joanna Sheen ribbon
Cosmic Shimmer pink dots
Frame is from CE Pierced Noble Squares

Sponsor is Sissix

giving this fab prize

Wendy L


  1. A lovely image, colours and creation Wendy and so perfect for my theme, thank you so much.

    Hope you have a lovely (and sunny) weekend, sending positive thoughts your way.

    B x

  2. A brilliant card using such beautiful colours, love it.
    Patricia x

  3. beautiful card Wendy, love the flower. Hope you are feeling a lot better...hugs.xx

  4. Your card is beautiful Wendy, your bloom is so beautifully coloured, so well designed too, Kate x

  5. A gorgeous card Wendy, love the pretty flower
    Lorraine x

  6. Hi Wendy this is a gorgeous card the flower is beautiful. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  7. Just love that flower and the design of the card, lovely sentiment too.
    Hope you are ok.

    Kath x

  8. Lovely summery colours/theme and your beautiful card showcases it really well

  9. Beautiful card Wendy, I like the flower and the design
    Kevin xx

  10. Beautiful card Wendy. Love the colours.

  11. Hi Wendy
    Really pretty card. The flower is fantastic.
    Hope you're feeling better.
    Ang x


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