
Saturday 14 November 2015

Anything but a Card for Allsorts

Good Morning All
Allsorts Challenge this week is hosted by Tracy Mouse and she doesn't want cards, anything but.
So I made a couple of boxes for cards to go in and these will go as raffle prizes at slimming club.

 I was given some cards, shop bought ones, to see if I could use them for toppers etc.  I thought it was a shame to cut them up as they are so cute.

They are quite small, 4 x 4 and there is 16 of them with envelopes too, so I split them into 2 lots and made two boxes.

Once again, used all old stuff, peeloffs across the top and the front of the green one.

Quilled flowers and a die cut stuck onto an embossed piece of card

This gorgeous corner die cut is one I cut a craft meet, I think it is Memory box.

Countryview - Blue

Scraps of ribbon used on both boxes.  I now keep all scraps in a plastic bag and use them whenever I can.
I thought whoever wins one of these could use the box for a gift, maybe chocolate!!!


Some wonderful creations from DT over on the challenge blog.
Have a fab weekend.
Wendy L


  1. Gorgeous boxes Wendy, they will make a fab raffle prize
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  2. Wendy great way to put those little cards to good use. Love your boxes and as you say they can be used for little gifts. Hazel X

  3. What a great idea Wendy; you are so imaginative :-)

  4. Beautiful boxes Wendy and what a clever idea
    Kevin xx

  5. Super boxes Wendy. A great idea for raffle prizes. Christine x

  6. Brilliant Boxes Wendy, I like, I really like.
    Great idea for Raffle Prizes and also for Sales.
    Have a great day
    Patricia xx

  7. Hi Wendy
    These boxes really make the card packs look really special.. I would imagine they will also be used long after the cards have gone.
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  8. These are gorgeous Wendy… so classy and elegant… love the colour combos! :-)
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

  9. Great project, really makes a simple pack of cards look very special

  10. It's a brilliant idea and wonderful boxes!

  11. Lovely boxes, I'm sure they'll go down well at the raffle!
    Dawn xx

  12. Hi Wendy they are stunning that will be brilliant raffle prizes. Hugs Jackie

  13. These are just fabulous, some gorgeous colours and background, a brilliant idea.

    Kath x

  14. Beautiful box`s Wendy, great idea.. brilliant raffle prizes.
    Pam x

  15. hello Wendy, these are gorgeous....hope you have a fabulous week!

    sparkle & shine kindness! *~*

  16. Love these, they are just

  17. fabulous gift, really lovely makes;-))m

  18. great boxes and a great idea. they are both gorgeous. xx

  19. These are fabulous for my theme Wendy, and such a great idea too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  20. a super idea and a wonderful make Wendy - Thanks so much for joining us at CVC this month and good luck in the draw! Hugs rachel x


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