
Sunday 22 March 2015

Bead pins

Good Evening All
Come on get buying, all money goes back into the charities I support -
 Animal Aid and Cancer Research.
When I went to the UK I met up with John Next Door and Mrs Duck and I took them both a selection of my bead pins.  Mrs Duck (Ang) said I should sell them again so here goes.

They will be the same as last time 5GBP for 12 and 6 x 3.5cm FREE

If you would like to buy some of these gorgeous bead pins please Email me at
I will need your Email address that is attached to your Paypal so that I can issue you with a Paypal invoice, Thank You.

Here is a sample of what is on offer.  I usually pack a mixture of colours.  The price includes P&P.

Examples of what is on offer, they are 5cm approx and 3.5cm

All these for 10 GBP

                                            All these for 5 GBP

Wendy L


  1. Brilliant selection of beautiful pins I am sure they wil sell extremely well.
    Good luck

    Patricia x

  2. These are beautiful pins Wendy.. shame I bought all my stuff to make my own.

  3. I can testify that these pins are absolutely stunning in real life and am more than happy to recommend them to everyone.
    Ang x

  4. Hi Wendy. Gorgeous pins, what a beautiful selection. I hope you are feeling better today. I did have a shock when I opened your blog just now and saw what the date was, I know time flies by but even I would have noticed over a year passing by, Saturday 31st January 2015 indeed !!!!! It gave me a giggle : ) Take care.

  5. Morning Wendy, these are gorgeous and I do keep meaning to purchase some from you but it will have to wait till after Christmas now but a great assortment, love them.

    Sorry I have missed your posts of late I am still trying to sort the house out, at present doing all the kitchen cupboards and drawers lol! I thought I would start with the longest job first!!! Your posts have been wonderful and I loved your crochet booties.

    Hope your cold gets better and out of the way before Christmas.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  6. Just found your blog, you have such a wonderful selection of various crafts, fabulous, I have really enjoyed looking around, I will be back as I have become a follower, I hope you'll pop along to visit me too. Hope to see you soon.
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  7. wow love your pins ... well done ... thank you so much for visitng my blog ... hope you have a magical christmas ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  8. Oh wow these pins are just so fun and would also look wonderful on crafty creations.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  9. They're lovely Wendy, really pretty! Hugs, Lisa x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What beautiful pins Wendy. Hugs Rita xxx

  12. Please Email me on the address in the sidebar. xx

  13. Your pins are lovely Wendy, I hope you get lts of sales! xx

  14. Your pins are gorgeous Wendy, will drop you an email as I would love to order some from you xx

  15. Hi Wendy your pins are gorgeous. Hugs Jackie

  16. these are really pretty

  17. Wendy these are gorgeous and judging by all the comments you are going to be really busy making more x

  18. Oh your pins are gorgeous Wendy.... they arrived in the post this morning..... thank you so much, cant wait to make a card and use one of the pins... will show you the card I make using them... thanks again, and when I have used them all up, I will buy more from you again... such good causes you are supporting.
    Hugs Diane Louise xxx


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