
Sunday 23 June 2013

Sunday Mojo 15

Good Sunday Morning All
 Well John Next Door set me a challenge and a half this week.

The picture frame is about 15" X 9".

I really did not know what to do with this other than paint it and then embellish it with flowers etc.  Then, on Thursday night /Friday morning when I was lying in bed, unable to sleep, it hit me.

I kept the material I cut from the bottom of curtains when I had to shorten them when we decorated my craft room.

I decided to cut strips of the material (as in the post from yesterday, the Allsorts one) and fray the edges.  I stuck them on with silicone glue.  Then picked out some crochet flowers from my box and glued those on and voila.  I chose purple because this will be going in my reading room upstairs with a photo of Hollie and her Dad, I know just the one I want to use. ------

This background makes it stand out abit more.  And this is before I put the glass back in.

This is against a white background , shows the purple up more.

This is with the glass back in and now I will have to print the photos.  I have had my new printer for afew months now and still need to suss out how to print a 4 x 6 picture.!!!!!

The Hobby House - Anything Goes

Here are the two pics I would like to put in the frame.

I love this pic, it just screams at me 'Daddys Little Girl'.

In fact I may put two pics in the frame because it is quite oblong in shape.

I love the expression on her gorgeous little face in this one.

These were taken afew weeks ago when the weather was good in the UK and Mum and Dad put a blanket out on the back lawn.

Now for the bit of news I was telling you about -
John has been emailed about our Mojos on Sundays and we talked about it and he asked me how I felt about sending the goodies we used to anyone that may want to join in with us, of course, I agreed.  We will have to pull the goods together afew weeks in advance to give us time for posting and we will sink the cost of this between us, but we think it would be fun.  I did this on my Allsorts challenge afew months ago, Brenda sent us all the same goods and it was really interesting to see what we all came up with.  If you would like to join us, either email or comment on here or on Johns blog.

Hope you are all having a great weekend. and look forward to hearing from you.
Wendy L


  1. Wow, how fabulous does that look! Who would have thought a plain frame could look so good.
    Such lovely pics of Hollie too.
    Crikey, you will have your hands full with the international mojo if you do it weekly and lots of people sign up. Dread to think how much it will cost you too. Maybe if everyone takes a turn or you do it monthly/bi monthly it will be less stress on you both.

  2. This creates a wonderful effect brilliant ides. Gorgeous photos Ginny x

  3. What a beautiful frame you have made Wendy and Hollie is gorgeous, so pretty..Hugs Lozzy xx

  4. beautiful frame, and the pics would look lovely in the frame !!!

  5. Just gorgeous frame my friend^_^
    Very elegant^_^
    The baby is adorable^_^
    Happy Sunday,

  6. You are so creative Wendy the frame looks fabulous and Hollie is adorable.

  7. Hi Wendy my goodness you have your Artist hat on and what a great idea you came up with ,and the photos are fantastic,such a cute baby.
    John has been on to me about the mojo I am happy to take part,but racking my brain how to share the cost of it???????
    will keep thinking

  8. WOW!! You have transformed that frame so beautiful and your gorgeous crochet flowers are the perfect finishing touch.
    The photos of Hollie really are adorable.
    Sue xx

  9. I just adore that frame, what a great idea and it has turned out beautifully. I want to make one. Hollie is gorgeouse not wonder you want photographs all around.

    Wilma x x x

  10. This is brilliant, Wendy. What a little sweetie Hollie is,
    Rosie x

  11. thank you so much for joining us for our very first challenge at the Hobby House
    Hugs Kate xx

  12. hi wendy ... super little creation isn't it strange how "things" come to us as such strange times lol ... just wanted to pop by and say a big thank you for visiting my blog and for the lovely comments you left ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  13. Fabulous creation and a wonderful effect! Thank you for sharing with us at The Hobby House Challenge and good luck!
    Tracey x


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