
Tuesday 24 September 2019

Groovi Workshoop

Good Morning All

Today, I am holding a Groovi Workshop in my local craft shop.
I am abit nervous as there will be  varying levels of work I think as some of the ladies already do a little Groovi and I know one has done parchment work in the past and I think a couple are total newbies.

I pulled these 3 cards from my files.

I love this one, the rocking horse is done separately and stuck on with foam pads.

This one needs a sentiment adding but this was just a quick doodle with a new plate when I bought it.

I will let you know how it goes next time.

Wendy L


  1. Good luck Wendy. It's always a little daunting with differing abilities but you will be fine. Your Groovi work is super. Christine

  2. It sounds like a nice day planed beautiful cards Ginny
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  3. Hi Wendy your cards are gorgeous. I love them all. I hope it all goes well this evening. I bet everyone has lots of fun. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  4. These are beautiful cards Wendy, and I'm sure your workshop will go well, good luck, Kate x

  5. I hope it all went well Wendy, I'm sure you had lots to inspire the ladies (and gents maybe) as your parching work is always beautiuful.

    B x

  6. A gorgeous selection of cards Wendy. I hope the workshop goes well.
    Lorraine x

  7. Gorgeous cards Wendy. Hope everything went well with the workshop.

  8. Hi Wendy,
    3 stunning creations and they are all so beautifully created.
    Good luck with the demo.
    Looks like you are turning into a budding JL.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  9. These cards are gorgeous! I am sure you will have great fun :D

    Hugz Tinz


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