
Sunday 2 November 2014

A Quick Christmas Card

Good Morning All

We are still away so this is scheduled and I will catch up on your comments when I can get internet access.

This is a quick card using the flower making tutorial on a page at the top on my blog, I sit making these while watching TV at night.

The card blank is one I was given by Linda from Animal Aid (one of the charities I support ), it hd a little shelf on and a tab but I cut that off to give it a window effect.

Wendy L


  1. Fabulous card Linda. I love poinsettias and this one is stunning. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Lovely poinsettia Wendy and a very pretty card base. Christine

  3. Hi Wendy
    Love your flower and the shape of the aperture.
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  4. A lovely simple Christmas card. Janice xxx

  5. Beautiful Christmas card wendy, love the poinsettia and card design.

  6. Gorgeous, hope you are having a great holiday x

  7. Really pretty. Love the flower.
    Hope you're having a great time.
    Love val x


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