
Saturday 14 January 2012


Hi all

Here are some of the flowers I made using my new Spellbinders die.  I used 160gm paper and then a green Distress ink to colour the edges and Anitas Tacky glue to put them together. The first picture shows the paper once it has been cut out, then you twist it up to make the flower.  I have made more flowers using my punches and one borrowed from JL next door.  I,ve coloured these with some ink pens I have had for years.
It is another lovely day here in Spain, although yesterday was cloudy and abit chilly.
I thought I would show you a picture of the gorgeous view from our back roof.  I love looking at these mountains any time of the day.  One day this week they were spectacular as the sun was peeping through the clouds and was highlighting certain  of parts of them, they looked wonderful.  We are so lucky living here.
The picture does not do the mountains justice, they are much nearer than they look on here.


Wendy L


  1. lovely flowers and a great view from your roof. sue xx

  2. Do like how you've done these flower embellishments, something I use alot :D Hopped from DC

  3. Your spiral flowers are great, I can't seem to get the hang of them, mine are always too tight & yours are perfect. Love the photo, it's nice to see a bit of sun albeit by proxy :-)

  4. Those flowers are gorgeous and fabulous view.
    Wendy xx

  5. You are lucky living in such a gorgeous place - love the flower die - have added it to my wish list lol

  6. Love these flowers, wow what a fab place you live and a great view...popped over from DC Lorna xx (craftinglorna)

  7. Beautiful flowers Love Lizzie on the DC Blog hop

  8. That die is now on my wish list! Your flowers look great :) xx

  9. Beautiful flowers, i just brought a marrianne die to do mine and am yet to give it a go, but seeing these has given me the kick i need...big hugs Sharon xxx

  10. such pretty flowers , wish l had that view from my back hugs xx

  11. Ooh I am envious, what a gorgeous view :-) Gorgeous flowers :-) Just leapblogging :-) Elaine-xxx-

  12. Hi, wonderful flowers aren,t they. I have the Marianne version but as yet haven't got the hand of things. Must have another go. Have passed the dreaded cold onto Martin, and he seems to have it worse than me ! I'm not bloghopping this weekend too much to do. Have a good week, Jean.

  13. Hi Wendy - what pretty flowers! And a splendid view - you are lucky indeed! Lea xx

  14. Beautiful flowers, looks like another die I NEED to have lol!
    Anne x

  15. Beautiful flowers!! And looks a whole lot warmer there.... Having my first Leapblog, Lxx


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